Professional China Shopping Agent, One-Stop Service

Order Purchasing

We help you buy products from any online/offline channel in China. Just paste the link to place your order, and we'll provide comprehensive purchasing agent services.

Vendor Ships to Warehouse

You can buy from different vendors, with goods consolidated at our China warehouse.

Photos for Inspection

We'll take QC photos after receiving the items for your approval before repackaging and shipping overseas. We can help return or exchange any unsatisfactory items.

International Shipping

You can freely choose items in our warehouse to consolidate into one package and have it reliably shipped overseas to your home.

Massive Product Selection

We can help purchase any online or offline product from China

Cost Savings

Buy from different vendors and we'll consolidate everything into one shipment to your country

Service Quality

Efficient, mature, and stable service support

Fast Response

Help resolve any issues in the shortest time possible